Staying Ageless

How to Heal Fibroids Naturally

Episode Summary

Hey girl hey! In this episode of the Staying Ageless podcast Dr. Allan Warshowsky, a board-certified OB-GYN who practices integrative holistic medicine is joining me to discuss how to heal fibroids from a natural, holistic perspective. We discuss topics such as the necessary components to a successful fibroid healing program, than risks of invasive procedures like myomectomy and hysterectomy, the role of the gut in estrogen metabolism, foods to avoid to promote fibroid healing, alternative therapies to support a healing regimen, and the importance of emotional healing and stress reduction. -Xo Raw Girl

Episode Notes

Chile, the number of women suffering in silence with a fibroids diagnosis seems to be growing exponentially and should be considered a serious public health issue. This week I am excited to delve deep into the topic of how to heal fibroids naturally, without invasive surgeries or procedures. Tune in to this episode to find out the root cause of fibroid growth, the components needed for a successfully holistic healing regimen, foods that fuel fibroid growth, alternative therapies that can support reduction of fibroids, the importance of re-balancing the bacterial balance of the gut, and ways to support emotional healing and stress reduction which play a role in fibroid growth.

In this show I discuss the documented racial disparity when it comes to fibroid treatments and some foods to exclude from your diet that fuel fibroid growth, and  later will speak to Dr. Allan Warshowsky, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., A.B.I.H.M., a board-certified OB-GYN who practices integrative holistic medicine and has been helping women heal naturally from fibroids for over twenty years.

Grab your mama, cousins, aunties, girlfriends, and call up anyone you know who is suffering with hormonal imbalance to learn together:

Check out Dr. Allan Warshowsky’s practice:

Get his Book: Healing Fibroids Naturally: A Doctor’s Cure on Amazon or wherever books are sold online. 

Journal Article Referenced in this Episode: 

Eltoukhi, H. M., Modi, M. N., Weston, M., Armstrong, A. Y., & Stewart, E. A. (2014). The health disparities of uterine fibroid tumors for African American women: a public health issue. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 210(3), 194–199.